Archaeologists have long understood the importance of
space in archaeological research. Beginning with John Lloyd Stephens and
Fredrick Catherwood’s first foray into the jungles of Mesoamerica in the
mid-nineteenth century, explorers and archaeologists alike have put a
considerable amount of effort into mapping the monumental architecture of Maya
sites. Specifically, archaeological inquiry has been focused on visualization,
data management, and spatial analyses of monumental architecture as well as
hinterland Maya households. Spatial data can include formal attributes concerning
size and shape of archaeological features (e.g., artifacts, units, sites,
regions, etc.), as well as their morphology. Consideration of spatial scales is
also important for understanding how people built, modified, and lived in their
environment in the past. Scale includes the extent and duration of
archaeological phenomena: individual behavior taking place over short intervals
of time in a small space; settlement processes including annual or seasonal
rounds; and ecological processes that occur over large regions or long periods
of time. The challenge for archaeologists is to infer processes from spatial patterning.
With the development of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) in the 1990’s, many archaeologists began to incorporate GIS into their
archaeological toolkit in recognition of its ability to organize complex sets
of spatial data. Maya archaeologists have been especially active in mapping
large site centers and their hinterland populations. Detailed mapping projects
have been carried out at Palenque under the auspices of the Palenque Mapping
Project (1998-2000), as well as at the sites of La Milpa and Copan, to name a few.
The Palenque Pool Project team has focused our efforts on
detailed mapping of the Pictoa Group, adding features uncovered during the 2014
field season to the larger site map produced by the Palenque Mapping Project.
We used a Leica Total station to record the location of architectural features
at the site.
Project member Reed Goodman using the total station to map architecture in the Picota Group. |
During excavations this season, we have defined the extent
of one of the pools in the group, located two drain features on the west side
of the pool, and found a series of 9 steps that lead into the pool also on the
west side. All of these features have been added to the map in order to
understand the spatial layout of the pool. We have also mapped two additional
pools to the north and south in more detail. As archaeological investigations continue
in the Picota Group, new features can be added to the map in order to
understand how the ancient Maya used the pools.
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Map of the Picota Group with location of pools. |
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Close up of pool investigated this year as part of the Paleque Pool Project. |