Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
-- from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
A first principle of archaeology is that research designs
can and will change. Despite preparations for a dry excavation, including the
use of a gas powered bilge pump, we've found ourselves waist deep in Palenqueño
water, what it means to be from Maine, Chiapas. Our PI, Kirk French,
quickly realized that the ancient pool was built into bedrock, its limestone
basin dipping beneath the water table. When the pool's depth leveled off soon
into draining, the team was quickly disabused of illusions for neatly defined strata
(goodbye, Harris matrix), and was encouraged to look for creative solutions. We
decided that the best possible approach involved the feature's division into neatly
defined sections, with wet screening of removed sediment for artifact recovery. This required that we shift gears from more traditional dry land archaeology,
to a type of underwater work (well half underwater, anyway). And this is most welcomed: shaded by
dense jungle and cooled with spring water, the change in methods has offered a
welcome respite from unrelenting humidity in the tropical environment).
Kirk French, attempting to get a better view |
Between donning bathing suits and transporting frogs from one water source to another (more on that in another post), the excavation has proved to be unique in every way, with each moment presenting a new learning
experience. To begin with, we knew from earlier studies that the ancient Maya of
Palenque were ingenious hydrological engineers. Since the beginnings of
habitation, water was an abundant resource, even in excess at certain times of
the year. This ecological fact surely played into the site's ancient name, Lakamha,' or "Big
Water." And as a result, the Palenqueños had to devise a means to control
runoff during the rainy season, diverting streams into underground aqueducts
that ran beneath plaza floors, thereby practicing flood control and, significantly,
expanding inhabitable space (on what was then, and remains today, a relatively restricted escarpment).
The exact
timing and degree of Palenque's waterworks, however, remain poorly understood,
though our work is already shedding light in this important area of
research. We have located a monumental
staircase on the eastern side of the feature, leading down into the pool. Its
stones are monolithic, single-coursed blocks, some of which remain in excellent
condition. An impressive wall, fashioned with at least some terracing, faces the southern side of the pool, though it's still too early to
speak to its original design. Overall, the structure required a much greater degree of engineering and planning than
we originally envisioned.
Kirk Straight, project ceramicist, drawing the staircase |
To back up
a bit, our feature, located in the Picota Group, is recharged from the stream
of the Arroyo Picota, and sits astride an ancient aqueduct. That aqueduct remains largely intact,
continuing to channel water beneath an early plaza floor, just to the
southeast of the pool. These architectural phenomena are just over a kilometer from polity center, forcing the observer to reconsider notions of a centralized site plan. In addition, the pool is within meters of Palenque's only known
stela, a type of stone monument presumed to be associated with kingship. The
seeming monumentality of the pool, made apparent with little more than a week's
worth of work, and its location in and articulation with other features from the
Picota Group, clearly signals an important role of water ritual and technology for
early Palenque.
Stela in the Picota Group, just beyond the pool (photo taken by author) |
The wonderful world of hydroarchaeology!