After a season of intense excavation
and consolidation of the main pool in Palenque’s Picota Group in 2014,
investigations have since widened to include ethnographic research in the
modern Maya village of Chamula in Mexico’s southern most state of Chiapas. Ethnography
is a technique normally used in the cultural side of anthropology to describe
and better understand a modern culture. Located on the northern edge of San
Cristóbal de las Casas, this community is home to three constructed pools that
appear to be very similar to those found just 110 km north in ancient Maya site
of Palenque.
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The Spring of San Juan in Chamula. |
The first is the Spring of San Juan,
which is the largest and most complex of the three pools. The upper section of
this system is used only on May 3rd during the Día de la Santa Cruz.
The Spring of San Pedro is a smaller and simpler water feature. The people of
Chamula regularly come here to gather holy water for ceremonial use. Finally,
the third pool, Ya’al Jtotik, is a compound-like area with many drying racks
and sitting areas for people to gather and perform ceremonies together. All
three of the springs have associated architectural features, such as shrines,
staircases, and ledges on which patrons are able to stand while washing
The pools in Palenque and Chamula are
remarkably similar and unique to Mesoamerica. The project’s goal is to both
learn more about the significance of the pools to the everyday life of
Chamulans, as well as invite a few of the elders from the Waterhole Committee
of Chamula to Palenque so they can see the ancient Maya pools firsthand.
In early June we met with the
president of the Potable Water Committee in Chamula. When told about the water
management system in Palenque with the three pools along the stream, he seemed
very unsurprised. In a very matter-of-fact tone, he stated that flowing water through
limestone naturally forms waterholes along its edges. That being said, after
seeing photos of the Palenque pools, their beauty impressed both he and his
family. We concluded that the people of Chamula seem to view the pools as
natural features of the landscape, therefore obvious elements of their everyday
After spending a few days
photographing the pools and exploring the area around Chamula, we received
permission from the local government to create a map of each of the pools. This
data will later be incorporated into ArcGIS to create a more solidified version
of the map. Having a tangible representation of our work in this area will be
essential for future investigations. There is still much data to be obtained
through ethnographic interviews with the people of Chamula, but it is vital to
the project that we were able to create maps of the three major pools and
familiarize ourselves with many local officials.
Crucial to the success of this
project are the contributions of Walter “Chip” Morris, an American
anthropologist who first came to Chiapas in 1972. Over the years he was able to
master not only Spanish, but also the Maya languages of Tzotzil, Tzeltal, and
Ch’ol. San Cristóbal de las Casas became his permanent home upon receiving the
prestigious MacArthur Genius Award in 1983. Walking around Chamula with Chip
could almost be compared to being a part of a rock star’s entourage. After many
years of interacting with the people of the village, virtually every Chamulan
man, woman, and child knows him.
Since the success of ethnographic
research hinges on communication, it would be very difficult to obtain any data
when both parties are speaking Spanish, their second language. Chip’s ability
to speak Tzotzil, the language used in Chamula, and to also know certain local
taboos and traditions had incalculable value and enabled us to explain our
goals to anyone who was wondering.
One of the most unique experiences
was walking through the San Juan Chamula Church, which can be found at the
center of the town. To preface, I want to stress this is a recognized Catholic
church. My very limited experience with Catholic churches in the United States
made me assume that all churches have pews on which people sit and listen to
the sermon presented by the priest.
It was certainly a shock to walk
into this edifice where there was nobody sitting in pews listening to someone
preach from the pulpit. Instead, individual family units knelt in their
respective zones they had claimed upon clearing away a section of pine needles
that cover the entire floor of the church, which is devoid of any seating areas.
Families make appointments to come to the church to have a ceremony for any
kind of personal reason, be it a sickness in the family, starting a new job, or
building a new house, just to name a few instances. To perform these
ceremonies, people bring items including but not limited to candles, soda,
water, chickens to be sacrificed, and pox (pronounced “posh”), a strong
alcoholic beverage native to the area. In order for the prayer to be complete,
everything that is brought must be consumed; the candles have to burn until they
are simply a pile of wax, the chicken has to be sacrificed, and all the beverages
must be finished.
Chip always makes sure he has a bag
full of snacks to hand out to the children of the families who are undoubtedly
fussy and bored. Some aspects of childhood remain the same across cultures as
this is much like how young children sitting through mass in a church in the
United States would also act. Almost like a Chamulan Santa Claus, he wanders
around to find particularly distraught kids and pulls a bag of popcorn out of
his satchel of goodies that makes their faces light up with excitement. It serves
as a perfect icebreaker to facilitate casual conversation during the family’s
ceremony. It should be noted that although these prayers are very personal,
there is a sort of community-feel inside the walls of the Church of San Juan.
They are elated when you offer to aid in the completion of the family’s
offerings, whether it be the Coca-Cola, pox, or water. It is not considered to
be freeloading for the sake of intoxication, but rather helping consume the
gifts they have prepared for their prayer. This is the way in which outsiders
can actually contribute to the family’s ceremony. Upon exiting the church,
having drunk a fair amount of pox and still in a state of minor shock from
seeing a chicken sacrificed, we were startled as a roaring firework soared from
the plaza in front of the church. It is common for fireworks to be set off at
the completion of the family’s ceremony, a fact of which I quickly became
All of these experiences, although very
different from what many Americans would consider to be “normal,” demonstrated
to me that at the core of our existence, we truly are all quite similar. Sure,
there is a wide range of traditions that make us unique from our neighbors, but
they are all done with the same goals in mind. Family is a universally
important entity. Alcohol translates into any culture, no matter how remote or
traditional. The fiery desire to learn and grow burns deep in every person in
every culture across the globe. There are certain aspects that collectively
give us our identity of “human.” Anyone who believes that people halfway across
the globe are vastly different needs
to see for themselves in order to understand. It all goes back to the idea of
the necessity to step out of your comfort zone to expand the level of
consciousness and mature as a human. Anthropology is a marvelous facilitator to
move towards achieving such a lofty feat. While studying humans you realize you
are essentially looking in a mirror and gazing at yourself in a different
culture. Recognizing similarity is the key to understanding humanity, and
learning differences is the fundamental way to move toward human acceptance.
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